The kids all enjoyed visiting Santa and sharing their letters with him this year. Cole is especially excited. I think he is drooling just thinking of all the toys and goodies Santa may bring.
For Emily's birthday party this year, she planned a hobo party. She spent over a week planning and setting up her hobo encampment. Her friends all donned their best hobo costumes and pulled up a crate to the campfire.
Her guests enjoyed beans and soup from the can and hot dogs served in pie tins. One of the favorite dishes was what Emily called "garbage dumpster cake". It was a sight to behold with old cans and bottles, dirt, and wiggly worms. Yummy!
Even though Cole was too young to join the party, he did his best to get in the hobo spirit by trying on some of Emily's costume.
Emily celebrated her 12th birthday in style. Nana and Grandpa treated her to a birthday lunch.
There were presents to be opened, and manicures waiting to happen.
Emily is great with the gift opening reactions.No wonder she enjoyed drama class. There was also lots of time to goof around with her brothers. Here she fashioned protective gear for herself to wear in a cotton ball fight they were having.
With Emily there is always some art involved, even if it is only on her own knee.
Grayson suggested that we rake up the leaves in the backyard. Cole and I joined in, eager to celebrate the change in season. The boys were quickly done in by the 90 degree day.
Their shorts and sweaty faces don't exactly look like the Fall scenes we see in books and movies, but we had a great time anyway.
Halloween is finally here, but what to do with all those long hours before trick-or-treating begins? The kids suggested the pumpkin patch, so we headed off to run off some excess energy.
Five Years Old at Last! The day couldn't come soon enough for Grayson, for me it came too quickly. It was a very happy occasion, with family, cake and many presents.
The kids spent the day enjoying Halloween Parties with their friends. Emily went back to her elementary school to enjoy the Fall carnival with Ally and Cassie.
Grayson's class made their own popcorn costumes and trick or treated around the school. He was so cute, Jeff was going to eat him up!
After several months of waiting, Grayson finally got to go on his Disneyland birthday trip. With Emily gone and Cole at home, Grayson got to call all the shots.
One favorite spot was Pirate Island. He loved exploring the caves.I did my best to keep up with him, but he managed to lose me a few times.
He was quite the daring pilot on the rockets.
The Buzz Lightyear ride is always a hit.
Nothing says birthday outing like a gigantic ice cream sandwich. Since it was a drizzly, school day, the lines were short enough to squeeze in 14 rides and two meals. We all arrived home happy and tired.
I am getting concerned that Emily may be reading too many of those vampire books. It seems to be affecting her somehow. Well, at least she still has good taste in music.