The boys helped Dad with some projects around the house. It seems that there was a very clear division of labor. Grayson was in charge of power tools and Cole was in charge of eating the popcorn. Looks like they have everything under control.
As it is in many households with young boys, trash day is a big event here. That is why we were very excited to take the Waste Management tour with our MOMS Club. The boys looked very handsome in their gear, but they didn't care for the smell. Guess they will be looking for another profession to go into.
We rarely see the creek at Irvine Park filled with water. Our last bike ride through the park treated us to sights that could rival some of our Northern California campgrounds.
Grayson's school had some ponies visit for pictures and rides. Cole used his charms to get a ride in the parking lot. I was surprised at how quick that pony was and how fearless Cole was. He is such a little daredevil.
As a child, I used to love exploring the hills behind my parent's house, climbing the rocks and looking for lizards. When we visited Nana and Grandpa recently, I thought it was only right that the kids enjoyed the same experience.
I didn't fully realize how much being a mother changed my view of such adventures. I think I aged 3 years just seeing Emily up on her perch. She was elated.
Grayson is at that great age where he is actually asking for homework like his big sister. The teacher in me couldn't pass up that teachable moment, so we started letter and number practice. During this session we were using dinosaurs to solve addition problems.
Cole even got into the act, sorting the dinosaurs by color. Eventually the dinosaurs were jumping out of the bowls getting dumped on the table, but it was educational while it lasted.