Nothing signals the end of summer like the last swim lesson. The boys enjoy one last session together before enjoying a family, poolside vacation in Cabo.
Cole hit the preschool scene in style. He quickly and confidently got in the groove of school. I guess all those days that he came with me to volunteer helped. He already knew half of the kids on the playground. Go Coley Go!
One of Cole's first preschool projects was to bring in a family picture to put on the bulletin board. Looking through our picture library, I realized that the last family picture we had showed Cole as a chubby toddler. Jeff quickly came to the rescue with his iphone and a camera timer. Not bad for a single take.
Grayson was so happy when his teacher picked him as attendance helper on the first week of school. A MOMS Club friend of mine happened to be in the office as he carried out his very important task.
Here is our big boy riding off to his first day of school.
He was sporting his new Quicksilver outfit and looking sharp.
We were all there to see him off.He gave his little brother one last hug and headed into class.
Luckily the OC Register was able to get a picture of Grayson and his classmates getting to know their new teacher.He loves school and all his new classmates. I am sure he will have a great year.