Thursday, May 27, 2010

Open House

It hardly seems possible that we are nearing the end of the year and with it Open House nights at the kids schools. The evening started at Emily's school where she showed off her contribution to the classroom heroes quilt. Emily created the Elvis square.
Over at Grayson's school, we were treated to a dinosaur inspired show.

Afterwards, Grayson excitedly showed us around his classroom and playground.
We are so proud of our great students.

Monday, May 24, 2010

On Safari

The brave biologists set out to explore the jungles of Santa Ana.
Emily encounters rough roads on her way to find the giant lizard of Orange County.
They are shocked to find Cole has already captured and tamed the giant beast.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Library Card

Grayson has enjoyed library story time for years.
This week he asked for his own library card.

He proudly checked out his first book this Thursday,
and couldn't wait to have Dad read it to him that night.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Spring Training

Continuing with his exploration of various sports,
Grayson decided to try out t-ball.

We all enjoy watching him having fun with his friends.
Grandpa is one of the most loyal fans.

Dad, of course, is his biggest fan.
He is always there to coach and encourage him in everything he does.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Mother's Preschool Picnic

When you are invited to a Mother's Day Party by a gentleman this handsome,
you don't hesitate to put on your party dress and go.
When we arrived at his preschool, Grayson presented me with beautiful roses.
This guy certainly knows how to treat a lady.
After a yummy lunch under the trees,
he showed me some of his favorite things to do on the playground.

You are looking at one very proud and happy Mommy and one charming young man.
Thank you for a wonderful afternoon Grayson.